The Website You've Been Looking For

Updated on 26 Apr 2017

This is the all-new version of The Snorings website. It's been revised, reconfigured, brought up to date; whittled and hand-crafted with attention to detail by master webmakers using only the finest sustainable creative resources (with a bit of hyperbole thrown in for good measure).

Visitors to this website usually come seeking information to help them trace their Norfolk ancestors. I would be kidding myself if I thought otherwise. Although there's much more contained within these pages than family history records, I've decided to give in to the inevitable and provide the Parish Records for both Little and Great Snoring

Transcribing the records has been a labour of love (or labor if you are an American visitor!). It began many years ago when I bought a film of the records and sat day after day handwriting the records from a fiche-reader - also bought at great expense.

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Where is North Norfolk?

Finding the Snorings

What, are you kidding? You didn't look at Google Maps or anything? Okay, assuming you live in a far-off country like Venezuela and have never heard of East Anglia, or even England, allow me to enlighten you at no expense to yourself.

There is in fact a tiny island in the North Sea, or islands if you want to be pedantic, called The British Isles. One of the islands has a country called England. If you look at a map of the UK (United Kingdom - of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) such as in this link here: Map of the UK you'll see a bump on the eastern side that makes the island look pregnant. That is called East Anglia. (here)

Now if you zoom into the bump, you will find it's divided into two regions, cunningly called Norfolk, and Suffolk. (The latter really ought to have been Soffolk to be consistent.)

Bearing in mind that the people of Norfolk - in good old Anglo Saxon fashion - consider themselves still the sworn enemies of anything that comes out of Suffolk, we will immediately discard that part of the map. We are concerned with the Norfolk half of East Anglia, and to be even more exact than that, North Norfolk.

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The Snoring Villages: a website for those researching their family trees, and for anybody curious about the history and whereabouts of these two small villages in Norfolk, UK.

Contact The Snorings

I no longer live in Norfolk. I cannot visit graves, make local enquiries or provide contacts for you. Please be aware that I have no information other than that on this website..

Address: Derbyshire, England
Telephone: Unavailable
E-mail: tricia (at)